Thursday, May 22, 2014

A Note on Blogging.

I don't really read a whole lot of parenting blogs or forums, for a few reasons. 

One: most people contributing to them are idiots and i have a low tolerance for stupidity. 

Two: they use stupid abbreviations like DH for "dear hubby", or DS/DD (dear son/daughter), and the like. OMG - these abbreviations annoy me even more than jaywalkers, and damn do jaywalkers annoy the shit out of me. I don't know why, but they just DO. Even if the poster happens to have some decent advice, if they use DH or DD/DS, I will roll my eyes and label that person as a friggin moron. 

So, what makes this blog different? 

It's not a true parenting blog. Really, it's just a medium in which i can express my thoughts on a variety of subjects. While I can't guarantee that I won't be an idiot (in some people's opinions), I can guarantee that I will never refer to my husband as DH, nor my son as DS.

Maybe AH (asshole husband), but never DH.

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