Thursday, May 22, 2014

A Note on Blogging.

I don't really read a whole lot of parenting blogs or forums, for a few reasons. 

One: most people contributing to them are idiots and i have a low tolerance for stupidity. 

Two: they use stupid abbreviations like DH for "dear hubby", or DS/DD (dear son/daughter), and the like. OMG - these abbreviations annoy me even more than jaywalkers, and damn do jaywalkers annoy the shit out of me. I don't know why, but they just DO. Even if the poster happens to have some decent advice, if they use DH or DD/DS, I will roll my eyes and label that person as a friggin moron. 

So, what makes this blog different? 

It's not a true parenting blog. Really, it's just a medium in which i can express my thoughts on a variety of subjects. While I can't guarantee that I won't be an idiot (in some people's opinions), I can guarantee that I will never refer to my husband as DH, nor my son as DS.

Maybe AH (asshole husband), but never DH.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Glass Case of Emotions

I've always been an emotional person.

I cry about a lot of things - commericals, sentimental Hallmark cards, happy times, sad times. I cry when I'm angry (GOD, i hate that), I cry when I'm happy, I cry when I'm sad. I'm surprised I'm not crying while writing this - the reason I'm not is because I cried just BEFORE writing this.

I find myself being a bit more emotional when it comes to news stories, TV show storylines, and the like involving babies - especially baby boys. I identify with having a baby boy more than I did before, because, duh, I didn't have a baby boy before March of this year. The thing is - it KEEPS me in a sad state of mind. Before, I could cry about something - let's say, a death of a child in the news - and after being sad for the child, sad for the family, having my little cry, I could move on. Now - it sticks with me. I read a story about a little boy being killed at the hands of his 'mother', and I can't stop crying. I can't stop thinking about that poor, sweet, innocent child....I think of how sweet he would have smelt, his little cries for his mama to love him, his little baby noises. I can't stop thinking about this poor baby and the shitty mother he was given. Or the shitty father he had. I look at my baby, and I can't imagine how anyone could hurt someone so small, so sweet. And my heart hurts for those babies that were hurt.

I trigger cry to the song "New Slang" by the Shins, because it was in a movie where an adult son died and his father continued on a trip the son was taking ("the  Way") because I feel I'd do the same thing if it were my son. I cry watching Grey's Anatomy even more now when a child has a life threatening disease or injury, because - what if that happens to my child? Dammit, even thinking about if "The Walking Dead" were to come true, I cry in fear for my son now. How fucked is that. Crying about ZOMBIES EATING MY CHILD, WHEN ZOMBIES DO NOT EXIST.

I knew parenthood would 'change everything'. I knew I'd worry more, and have more stress. I guess I anticipated having a few more cries. I didn't realize just how MUCH though. I've definitely increased our Kleenex budget.